My homework question says: "Write a response to Marianne Moore, describing your response to "Poetry." Cite specific passages from her poem."

I understand how to cite specific passages, however, I am having trouble thinking of a way to "respond" to Marianne Moore's poem. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.

To craft a response to Marianne Moore's poem "Poetry," it is important to first understand the key themes, ideas, and techniques employed in her work. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you come up with your response:

1. Read and analyze "Poetry": Begin by thoroughly reading and analyzing Marianne Moore's poem. Pay attention to the language, imagery, symbolism, tone, and overall structure. Take note of the main ideas and themes that emerge from the poem.

2. Identify your personal response: Reflect on your initial reaction and personal interpretation of the poem. What emotions, thoughts, or images does it evoke in you? Consider how the poem makes you feel and what insights or questions it raises for you. Also, think about your own experiences, beliefs, or values that may influence your response.

3. Establish a focus: Choose a specific aspect of the poem that you want to respond to. It could be a particular line, image, metaphor, or theme that resonates with you or prompts a reaction.

4. Use specific passages as evidence: As per your homework question, you need to cite specific passages to support your response. Select lines or phrases from the poem that relate to your chosen focus. These passages should demonstrate your understanding of Moore's poem and provide evidence for your own response.

5. Craft your response: Begin by introducing your response while also mentioning the specific aspect of the poem you will be discussing. Clearly state your interpretation, feelings, or insights in relation to that aspect. Consider using personal anecdotes, associations, or examples to further illustrate your response. Make sure to connect your viewpoint with the cited passages from Moore's poem to highlight the relationship between the two.

6. Conclude your response: Summarize your main points and reaffirm your overall response to the poem. Reflect on any implications or broader significance that your response may hold.

Remember, your response should be personal and subjective, while still drawing on specific elements and passages from Marianne Moore's "Poetry" to support your interpretation. Good luck!