In a class of 100 students 50 are footballers 30 are basketballers and 20 are both basket ballers and footballers represent the above information ina venn diagram

To represent the given information in a Venn diagram, we need to visualize the relationships between the different groups of students: footballers, basketballers, and those who participate in both sports.

1. Start by drawing a rectangle to represent the entire class.
2. Inside the rectangle, draw two overlapping circles. The left circle will represent footballers, and the right circle will represent basketballers.
3. Label the left circle "Footballers" and the right circle "Basketballers."
4. Now, based on the given information, we know that 50 students are footballers, so write "50" inside the left circle.
5. Similarly, we know that 30 students are basketballers, so write "30" inside the right circle.
6. Finally, we are told that 20 students are both footballers and basketballers. To represent this, write "20" in the overlapping region of the two circles.

The Venn diagram should now display the relationships between the different groups of students in the class.