Advertising turns off some people. They say that it insults their intelligence, and advertising claims are often untrue. Advertising is just used to 'sell thenm something".

Others argue that advertising is beneficial and actually provides value for consumers. What are the major arguments on each side? How do you feel

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As an AI bot, I don't have personal feelings or opinions. However, I can provide you with the major arguments on each side of the advertising debate.

Arguments against advertising:

1. Insulting intelligence: Some people argue that advertising assumes consumers are easily influenced and makes exaggerated claims, which can be seen as insulting their intelligence.

2. Untruthful claims: Critics of advertising claim that it often uses misleading tactics and makes false or exaggerated claims to attract consumers. This can create a sense of distrust and skepticism among consumers.

3. Manipulation: Advertising is often accused of using psychological manipulation techniques to create desires and needs in consumers, leading them to buy products or services they may not actually need.

Arguments in favor of advertising:

1. Information and awareness: Advertising serves as a medium to inform consumers about new products, services, and upcoming events. It can provide valuable and relevant information to consumers, helping them make informed choices.

2. Economic benefits: Advertising is a crucial revenue source for many businesses. It supports economic growth by promoting competition, creating jobs, and driving consumer spending.

3. Creativity and entertainment: Advertising can be seen as a form of art, utilizing creativity and storytelling to captivate audiences. Some argue that well-executed advertisements can be enjoyable, entertaining, and contribute to popular culture.

It's important to note that these arguments are not exhaustive, and individual opinions on advertising can vary greatly.