So for our review, our teacher posted the answers to the review online. I do the problem and check my work with the review, but I am questioning number 8.

Here is the problem with the answer: prntscr.c0m/4rnpcn How does it equal 16? I am so clueless! G * F (1)? I got f(1)=6 but then g(6)=16? How?

thank you

Just remove the 0 in the link and copy to your web browser, It is a picture of my review. Thank you

Look at the bottom row of the table, dude!

Oh wow lol I did not even see that.. Wow thank you for pointing that out haha!

To understand how the answer for problem number 8 is 16, let's break down the steps involved. It seems like you are dealing with functions and their outputs.

The problem involves two functions: G and F. The notation G * F (1) means that you need to apply both functions G and F to the input value of 1.

First, you correctly calculated F(1) as 6. This means that when you input 1 into the function F, the output is 6.

Next, you need to use the result of F(1) and input it into the function G. Since F(1) is 6, you are now evaluating G(6).

At this point, it seems that the answer provided by your teacher is G(6) = 16. However, you are unsure of how this result is obtained.

To understand how G(6) can be equal to 16, you may need to review the given information or any previous explanations regarding the specific functions G and F.

It's important to understand that without more context or knowledge of the functions G and F, it's difficult to provide a definitive explanation. You might consider reaching out to your teacher or classmates for clarification on the given functions and how they are being used in this problem.

Remember, understanding a problem often involves considering various pieces of information and knowledge of the specific concepts and functions being used.