All of the following are correct about nineteenth century Liberalism EXCEPT:

A. having economic and political components.
B. supporting the idea of civil rights.
C. wanting to limit governmental power.
D. opposing limiting governmental power.


To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what nineteenth-century Liberalism is and what it entails. Liberalism in the nineteenth century refers to a political ideology that emphasized individual liberty, limited government intervention, and the protection of civil rights.

Let's go through each option:

A. Having economic and political components: This is correct. Nineteenth-century Liberalism indeed had both economic and political dimensions. Economically, it advocated for free trade, laissez-faire capitalism, and limited government intervention in the economy. Politically, it focused on individual rights, limited government power, and the protection of civil liberties.

B. Supporting the idea of civil rights: This is correct. Nineteenth-century Liberalism strongly supported the idea of civil rights. It championed individual freedoms, including freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly.

C. Wanting to limit governmental power: This is correct. One of the core principles of Liberalism in the nineteenth century was the desire to limit governmental power. Liberals believed that a limited government would better protect individual liberties and promote economic freedom.

D. Opposing limiting governmental power: This is incorrect. Nineteenth-century Liberalism did not oppose limiting governmental power. On the contrary, as mentioned earlier, it aimed to restrict government intervention and advocated for limited government power.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is Option D: opposing limiting governmental power.