All of the following are correct about nineteenth century Liberalism EXCEPT:

A. having economic and political components.
B. supporting the idea of civil rights.
C. wanting to limit governmental power.
D. opposing limiting governmental power.


To determine which answer is correct, we need to understand the characteristics of nineteenth-century Liberalism.

Nineteenth-century Liberalism was a political ideology that emerged during the Industrial Revolution. It emphasized individual freedom, civil rights, and limited government intervention in economic and political affairs. Liberalism placed a strong emphasis on individual rights and freedoms, including civil liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and press.

Liberalism also advocated for free-market capitalism and limited government intervention in the economy. It believed that economic freedom was essential for individual success and prosperity, and that the government's role should be minimal in economic affairs.

Going through the answer choices:

A. Having economic and political components: This is correct. Liberalism encompassed both economic and political components, as explained above.

B. Supporting the idea of civil rights: This is correct. Liberalism placed a strong emphasis on civil rights and individual freedoms.

C. Wanting to limit governmental power: This is correct. Liberalism advocated for limited government intervention in both economic and political affairs.

D. Opposing limiting governmental power: This response contradicts the core principles of nineteenth-century Liberalism. Liberalism aimed to limit governmental power and expand individual freedoms.

Thus, the correct answer to the question is D. opposing limiting governmental power.