Mr snider is tiling a floor .The floor is 16 tiles long and 5 toles wide.How many tiles are in the border section?

2*16 + 2*3 = 38

2(16+5)-4 = 38

why the two ways of writing the expression?

To find the number of tiles in the border section, we need to determine the number of tiles on the perimeter of the floor.

1. Start by calculating the perimeter of the floor. The perimeter is equal to twice the length plus twice the width.
Perimeter = 2 * length + 2 * width

For this particular floor:
Perimeter = 2 * 16 + 2 * 5
= 32 + 10
= 42

2. Since the border section consists of the tiles on the perimeter, we need to subtract the number of tiles in the inner section.

To find the number of tiles in the inner section, we subtract 2 from each dimension (length and width) since the border covers the outer tiles.

Inner Length = length - 2
= 16 - 2
= 14

Inner Width = width - 2
= 5 - 2
= 3

3. Calculate the number of tiles in the inner section.
Inner Area = Inner Length * Inner Width
= 14 * 3
= 42

4. Subtract the number of tiles in the inner section from the total number of tiles on the perimeter.
Border Section = Perimeter - Inner Area
= 42 - 42
= 0

Therefore, in this case, there are no tiles in the border section since the inner section covers the entire floor.