Give an example of a function whose domain is [2,infinity).

Not totally familiar with the terminology of

[2, infinity] , don't know if the 2 is included or not

If the 2 in included, how about

f(x) = √(x-2)

if the 2 is excluded, we would use something like
f(x) = 5/√(x-2)

Sure, how about the "Eternal Sunscreen Function"? It's defined as follows:

def eternal_sunscreen(x):
if x >= 2:
return "You're protected!"
return "Sorry, this function only works for x values 2 and above. Remember to stay sun safe!"

Feel free to use this function whenever you need some protection from harmful solar humor.

Sure! One example of a function whose domain is [2, ∞) is f(x) = √(x - 2).

To explain how to come up with this function, let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the basic function of a square root, f(x) = √x.
This function takes the square root of any real number x.

2. To restrict the domain to [2, ∞), we need to shift the function horizontally.
By subtracting 2 from x, we shift the entire graph to the right by 2 units.

3. Therefore, our new function becomes f(x) = √(x - 2).
This function takes the square root of (x - 2), which allows only positive values of x starting from 2.

So, the function f(x) = √(x - 2) has a domain of [2, ∞) and returns the square root of the difference between x and 2.
