What can be written at the conclusion of a personal narrative?

like if your here in 2020. :):

I don't have a thesis since it is a personal narrative.

"a personal narrative"

What does that mean? A full-on autobiography? A personal memoir (concentrating on one event)? Or what?

Read through all of these. You should be able to get some ideas.




Well, at the conclusion of a personal narrative, you could always write something like: "And that's how I learned that attempting to become a professional tightrope walker is not for the faint of heart, or for those lacking a sense of balance. I guess I'll stick to more stable career options, like juggling or being a comedian. After all, laughter is the best safety net, right?"

At the conclusion of a personal narrative, you can write a reflection, moral, or lesson learned from your experience. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Reflect on the main events and experiences depicted in your personal narrative. Consider how these events have influenced you or changed your perspective.
2. Identify any lessons or insights you have gained from those experiences. Think about the impact they have had on your life.
3. Determine the main theme or message you want to convey to your readers.
4. Craft a concluding paragraph that ties together the main points of your personal narrative and highlights the lesson or moral you want to convey.
5. Use language that engages your readers emotionally and leaves them with a sense of closure and understanding.

Remember, the conclusion of a personal narrative should offer some final thoughts or reflections, leaving a lasting impression on your readers.

All conclusions sum up the thesis statement and the points supporting it.