What is a characteristic of civilization?

A- bronze tools and weapons

B- an army

C- art and literature

D- government

I don't know whether it's C or D.

Both could be right. Which do you think is more important? What does your book say?

This site says art and architecture.


This site says government.


I would personally think government is more important.

I tried to post a link to my book, but it won't let me

I vote for government. The first site also states that a system for administering territories is also a characteristic of civilization. That would mean a government.

That's what I think too, so after I take my test I will post the correct answer on here.

Thanks. I hope we're right.

To determine the correct answer, it's important to consider the characteristics of civilizations. So, let's break down each option:

A- Bronze tools and weapons: While advancements in tools and weapons, such as the use of bronze, can be associated with civilizations, it is not a universal characteristic. Some early civilizations did not have access to bronze tools and weapons, yet they still exhibited other characteristics of civilization.

B- An army: Having an army can be an aspect of civilization, particularly for defense and maintaining control over a territory. However, not all civilizations have armies, especially in their earliest stages.

C- Art and literature: Art and literature are often considered defining features of civilizations. These creative expressions reflect the cultural and intellectual development of a society. They include things like paintings, sculpture, music, dance, literature, and architecture.

D- Government: Government is a fundamental characteristic of civilization. It establishes systems of authority, laws, and regulations to maintain order, provide services, and manage resources within a society.

Based on these explanations, both options C (art and literature) and D (government) can be considered characteristics of civilization. However, if you are looking for a more general and all-encompassing characteristic, the answer would be D, government. Governments are a crucial element in organizing societies and ensuring their stability and functioning.