A diagonal of a cube is a line segment of maximum length whose endpoints are vertices of the cube. To the nearest degree, what is the angle of intersection Ѳ,

0 < Ѳ <= 90° between two distinct diagonals of the same cube?

This problem is discussed at


To find the angle of intersection between two distinct diagonals of the same cube, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the cube:
- A cube has 6 equal square faces.
- The length of each side of the cube is denoted as "s".

Step 2: Determine the length of the diagonals:
- Since each face of the cube is a square, the length of each diagonal of the square face can be found using the Pythagorean theorem.
- The length of the diagonal of a square face is "s√2".

Step 3: Identify the diagonals that intersect:
- A cube has two types of diagonals: face diagonals and space diagonals.
- Face diagonals connect opposite corners of the same face.
- Space diagonals connect opposite corners of the cube.

Step 4: Find the angle of intersection:
- The diagonal within each face of the cube intersects with the diagonals of the adjacent faces at a right angle (90°).

Let's focus on the space diagonals since the question asks for the angle between two distinct diagonals.

Step 5: Identify the space diagonals:
- There are four space diagonals in a cube.
- Each space diagonal connects the opposite corners of the cube:

- Diagonal 1: Connects two corners of one face to two opposite corners of an adjacent face.
- Diagonal 2: Connects two corners of another face to two opposite corners of an adjacent face.
- Diagonal 3: Connects two remaining corners of the cube.
- Diagonal 4: Connects the remaining two corners of the cube.

Step 6: Calculate the angle of intersection:
- Since all adjacent faces of a cube are perpendicular to each other, the angle between any two diagonals is 90°.
- Therefore, the angle of intersection between two distinct space diagonals of the same cube is 90°.

Therefore, the angle of intersection (Ѳ) between two distinct diagonals of the same cube is approximately 90°.