I need to create a diagram of hell similar to Dantes Inferno. What punishments would teach the following sins a lesson:


liar -- enlarged Pinochio-like nose

thieves -- amputated hands
cheaters -- soft ground filled with potholes that cause them to fall

Your ideas?

I can't resist -- kidnappers? -- Read "Ransom of Red Chief."

Creating a diagram of hell similar to Dante's Inferno can be a creative endeavor that requires thoughtful consideration. To design punishments relevant to each of the sins you mentioned, it's important to understand their respective nature and consequences. Below are some ideas for punishments that might teach a lesson for each sin:

1. Liars: In Hell, liars could be trapped in a continuous labyrinth of deceit, where they are constantly deceived by illusions, mirages, and false promises, never able to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

2. Thieves: Thieves in Hell might be subjected to a scenario where they are forever pursued by relentless hounds, symbolizing their inability to escape the consequences of their actions and the constant fear of being caught.

3. Cheaters: Cheaters could be condemned to an eternal chess match where they are matched against an opponent who always wins, teaching them the futility and emptiness of trying to deceive others.

4. Abusers: In Hell, abusers could be confined to a room filled with mirrors reflecting their past victims' faces, forcing them to confront the pain and suffering they inflicted upon others until they genuinely feel remorse.

5. Kidnappers: Kidnappers might experience the torture of being confined within small, cramped spaces similar to the feeling of captivity they imposed on their victims, giving them a taste of the fear and helplessness they caused.

6. Traitors: For traitors, Hell could be a desolate wasteland where they are isolated and condemned to wander aimlessly, forever yearning for companionship and trust but never finding it.

7. Murderers: Murderers could be tormented by a constant replay of the final moments of their victims' lives, experiencing the pain and terror they inflicted upon others, gradually realizing the gravity of their actions.

8. Fraudsters: In Hell, fraudsters might be subjected to an endless cycle of being deceived and defrauded by others, experiencing firsthand the betrayal and helplessness they caused their victims.

9. Assailants: Assailants might be condemned to a dark, disorienting environment where their senses are assaulted by deafening, echoing screams and the feeling of constant aggression, mirroring the atmosphere they imposed on others.

Remember, these are just imaginative interpretations and suggestions. You can further expand and modify these ideas to suit your artistic vision when creating your diagram of hell.