The energy-separation curve for two atoms, a distance, r, apart is: U(r)=−A/r^m+B/r^n

Derive an expression for the equilibrium spacing, r0, as a function of A, B, m, and n.

To derive an expression for the equilibrium spacing, r0, we need to find the value of r at which the energy, U(r), is at a minimum. At the equilibrium spacing, the energy is at its lowest point.

To find this minimum value, we need to minimize the energy function, U(r), by taking its derivative with respect to r and setting it equal to zero.

Let's begin by finding the derivative of U(r) with respect to r:

dU(r)/dr = d/dx (-A/r^m + B/r^n)

Applying the power rule of differentiation, we can find the derivative:

dU(r)/dr = A*(m/r^(m+1)) - B*(n/r^(n+1))

Setting this derivative equal to zero:

0 = A*(m/r0^(m+1)) - B*(n/r0^(n+1))

Now, let's rearrange the equation to solve for r0:

A*(m/r0^(m+1)) = B*(n/r0^(n+1))

Dividing both sides of the equation by A:

(m/r0^(m+1)) = (B/A)*(n/r0^(n+1))

Cross-multiplying and simplifying:

m*(r0^(n+1)) = B/A * n*(r0^(m+1))

Dividing both sides by n*(r0^(m+1)):

(m/r0)^(n+1) = B/A * (r0/m)^n

Taking the (n+1)-th root of both sides:

(m/r0) = [(B/A * (r0/m))^n]^(1/(n+1))

Simplifying further:

m/r0 = (B/A)^n * (r0/m)^n/(n+1)

Multiplying both sides by r0:

m = (B/A)^n * (r0/m)^(n/(n+1)) * r0/(n+1)

Now, let's get rid of the fraction by multiplying both sides by (n+1):

m*(n+1) = (B/A)^n * (r0/m)^(n/(n+1)) * r0


mn + m = (B/A)^n * (r0/m)^(n/(n+1)) * r0

Subtracting m from both sides:

mn = (B/A)^n * (r0/m)^(n/(n+1)) * r0 - m

Rearranging the terms:

mn + m = (B/A)^n * (r0/m)^(n/(n+1)) * r0

Dividing both sides by m:

n + 1 = (B/A)^n * (r0/m)^(n/(n+1)) * r0

Now, we can isolate r0:

(r0/m)^(n/(n+1)) = [(B/A)^n * (n + 1)]^(1/n)

Taking the (n+1)/(n)-th root:

r0/m = [(B/A)^n * (n + 1)]^(1/n*(n+1))

Multiplying both sides by m:

r0 = m * [(B/A)^n * (n + 1)]^(1/(m*(n+1)))

Therefore, the expression for the equilibrium spacing, r0, as a function of A, B, m, and n is:

r0 = m * [(B/A)^n * (n + 1)]^(1/(m*(n+1)))