pls. pls. pls. somebody help see im on a science class and i don't want to go to the regular section, so pls.... give me an acrostic for the word "SCIENCE"


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. First of all, do you know wh at an acrostic is? Take the letters and make a poem. The first line begins with S, the 2nd with C, etc.

Study the world as best you can
Cover truths and general law
Include all things and also man
Even what you see and what you saw
Never forget the facts of all
Check what's not at your beck and call
Either, spring, summer, winter, fall.

Is that what you need? It's difficult to make a poem with 7 lines, but here at least is a sample!


Sure! I can help you create an acrostic for the word "SCIENCE."

To create an acrostic, follow these steps:

1. Think about words or phrases related to the theme of "science."
2. Write down each letter of the word "SCIENCE" vertically, creating a column of letters.
3. Come up with words or phrases that start with each letter and are related to science. These could be scientific terms, concepts, or ideas.
4. Write the words or phrases next to each corresponding letter.

Here's an example acrostic for the word "SCIENCE":

S - Stars and galaxies
C - Chemical reactions
I - Inquiry and investigations
E - Experimentation
N - Newton's laws
C - Cells and organisms
E - Energy transfer

Remember, acrostics can be creative and varied based on the theme or topic you want to highlight. Feel free to use different words or phrases that relate to science.