1. What happens to companies with high operating leverage when the market declines? What happens when the market expands?

Companies with high operating leverage are those that have significant fixed costs in their operations, such as expenses related to production facilities, equipment, or lease agreements. When the market declines, these companies tend to face challenges.

1. When the market declines:
- Decreased demand: During an economic downturn, consumers tend to reduce their spending, causing a decrease in demand for products or services. This can impact companies with high operating leverage as they may have difficulty generating revenue to cover their fixed costs.
- Profit margins: With lower demand and potentially excess capacity, companies may be forced to reduce prices to stay competitive. However, since their fixed costs are relatively high, the decline in revenue can have a significant impact on their profit margins.
- Financial stress: If companies cannot cover their fixed costs and generate profits, they may face financial challenges. This can lead to difficulties in meeting debt obligations, layoffs, or even bankruptcy in severe cases.

2. When the market expands:
- Increased demand: In an expanding market, consumers are more likely to spend, leading to increased demand for products or services. This gives companies with high operating leverage an opportunity to generate higher revenues and achieve economies of scale.
- Improved profit margins: As companies experience higher demand and sales, they can spread their fixed costs over a larger volume of goods or services. This can result in improved profit margins as the incremental revenue growth outweighs the additional variable costs.
- Business growth: With increased profitability, companies may have more financial resources to invest in expanding their operations, improving infrastructure, or developing new products. This can lead to further market share growth and long-term success.

To understand the specific impact on a particular company, it is important to analyze their cost structure, revenue sources, and industry dynamics. Examining financial statements, market trends, and industry reports can provide insights into the potential effects of market fluctuations on companies with high operating leverage.