What are some similarities and differences between the poems "i sing of Olaf glad and big" and "Night, Death, Mississippi"?

The words in the second poem all begin with an uppercase letter.

To find similarities and differences between the poems "i sing of Olaf glad and big" and "Night, Death, Mississippi," you will need to read and analyze both poems. Here's how you can do it:

1. Read the poems: Start by locating and reading both poems. You can find them in poetry anthologies, online literature databases, or in the collections of their respective authors.

2. Identify the themes: Determine the main themes explored in each poem. Look for recurring ideas, emotions, or subjects. Common themes may include social commentary, human nature, identity, or justice, among others.

3. Analyze the language and style: Pay attention to the language, tone, and poetic devices used in each poem. Take note of the imagery, metaphors, similes, rhyme scheme, rhythm, or any other literary techniques employed by the poets.

4. Note the structure: Examine the structure of the poems. Look for the number of stanzas, the length of lines, and the consistency or variation in meter or rhyme. Consider whether the structure enhances or detracts from the overall meaning or impact of the poems.

5. Compare and contrast: Make a list of similarities and differences between the two poems based on your analysis. Consider aspects such as themes, language, style, structure, or any other elements you find relevant. Note where the poems overlap, diverge, or offer unique perspectives.

6. Formulate your observations: Based on your analysis, write a concise summary highlighting the similarities and differences between the two poems. It may help to organize your thoughts by creating a table, Venn diagram, or a simple list to ensure your observations are well-structured and clear.

Remember, each reader's interpretation may vary, so be sure to provide evidence from the poems to support your comparisons and contrasts.