a student found that the weight of the naphthalene collected was less than the weight determined by difference. what would account for the smaller amount of naphthalene collected?


The smaller amount of naphthalene collected could be due to the loss of naphthalene during the collection process. There are several factors that could account for this loss:

1. Loss due to evaporation: Naphthalene is a volatile compound, meaning it can easily convert from a solid to a gas. If the naphthalene was left exposed to air for a long time during the collection process, some of it could have evaporated, resulting in a smaller amount being collected.

2. Loss due to impurities: Naphthalene may contain impurities that have different physical properties than naphthalene. When the naphthalene is collected by difference, some impurities may get mixed in with the naphthalene and aren't accounted for in the final weight. This can lead to a smaller measured weight compared to the weight of pure naphthalene.

3. Loss due to human error: Another possibility is that there was simply a mistake made during the collection process. Perhaps the student accidentally spilled or dropped some of the naphthalene, resulting in a smaller amount being collected.

To determine the exact reason for the smaller amount of naphthalene collected, it would be important to carefully evaluate the collection procedure and consider these factors.

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