if ice forms on the outside of a glass cup, which would be the likely temperature? 1.36degreesf 2.25 degreesf 3. 40degreesf 4.80degreesf 5. 33degreesf

What is a degreesf?

If that is Fahrenheit, I vote for all of the above.
Please clarify your question.

1.36; 2.25; 3.40; and 4.80 all are below freezing on the Fahrenheit scale.

To determine the likely temperature at which ice forms on the outside of a glass cup, we need to consider the freezing point of water.

The freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius). When the temperature of the glass cup drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the water vapor in the air surrounding the cup will start to condense and freeze on the surface of the cup, forming ice.

Now, let's analyze the given options:

1. 1.36 degrees Fahrenheit: This is below the freezing point of water, so ice would most likely form.
2. 25 degrees Fahrenheit: This is also below the freezing point of water and is a colder temperature, so ice would likely form.
3. 40 degrees Fahrenheit: This is above the freezing point of water, so ice would not form.
4. 80 degrees Fahrenheit: This is well above the freezing point of water, so ice would not form.
5. 33 degrees Fahrenheit: This is slightly above the freezing point of water, but still close enough to cause ice formation, especially if the surrounding conditions (humidity, wind, etc.) are favorable.

Based on the analysis, options 1, 2, and 5 are likely temperatures where ice could form on the outside of a glass cup.