how many ml of polyurethane and catalyst for the ratio of 7:1 if I have 30cm width,98cm lenghth and .2cm height?

To determine the amount of polyurethane and catalyst needed in a ratio of 7:1 for a specific project, we first need to calculate the volume of the project in cubic centimeters (cm³). Then, we can use the volume to calculate the exact quantities of polyurethane and catalyst required.

Step 1: Calculate the volume of the project:
Volume (V) = Length x Width x Height

Length = 98 cm
Width = 30 cm
Height = 0.2 cm

V = 98 cm x 30 cm x 0.2 cm
V = 588 cm³

Step 2: Determine the quantities of polyurethane and catalyst using the 7:1 ratio.

Let's assume we use 'x' ml of polyurethane.
Then, the amount of catalyst needed will be 1/7th of x, which is x/7 ml.

Therefore, the total volume of the mixture (polyurethane + catalyst) is:
Total Volume = x ml + x/7 ml

Since the total volume of the mixture is equal to the volume of the project:

Total Volume = 588 cm³

We can set up an equation to solve for 'x' as follows:

x ml + (x/7) ml = 588 cm³

7x + x = 588 x 7 (converting cm³ to ml)

8x = 4116

x = 4116/8
x = 514.5 ml (approximately)

Therefore, you would need about 514.5 ml of polyurethane and 1/7th of that, which is approximately 73.5 ml of catalyst for the given project with a ratio of 7:1.