1. 3w - 10w

A, 13w
B. -7w**
C. -7
D. 7w

2. y + 2y + 3z

A. 2y + 3z
B. 3y + 3z
C. 2y^2+3z
D 6yz

3. 6r + r - 5r

A. 2r
B.1r + r
C. 0r
D. 7r - 5r

4. 5x + 2(x + 6)

A. 7x + 6
B. 7x^2 + 12
C. 7x + 12
D. 7x (x + 6)

5. -3m + 3(m +6)

A. 6
B.-6m + 6
C. 6m + 18
D. 18

Help please

for my connexus fam.

your welcome nya~~~

XOXOKitty is correct 100%%%


What don't you understand about these problems?

How would you like us to help you?

The first one is correct. What are your answers for the others?

2. y + 2y + 3z

combine like terms
y + 2 y = 3 y
3 y + 3 z

B. 3y + 3z
Hey, you got the first one right. This is really no different
3. 6r + r - 5r
(6+1-5)r = 2r

A. 2r
4. 5x + 2(x + 6)
5 x + 2 x + 12
7 x + 12

C. 7x + 12
5. -3m + 3(m +6)
-3 m + 3 m + 18

D. 18

Wait #2 question is


Sure! I'll help you with each question step by step.

1. 3w - 10w:
To simplify this expression, you need to combine the like terms, which means adding or subtracting the coefficients of the same variable.

In this case, you have "w" as the variable present in both terms, so you can combine them by performing the subtraction operation. 3w - 10w simplifies to -7w.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B. -7w.

2. y + 2y + 3z:
Similar to the previous question, you need to combine the like terms.

Here, you have "y" as the variable in the first two terms, so you can add them together. y + 2y simplifies to 3y.

Since there is no other term with "y", you leave it as it is, and then you add the term "3z".

Therefore, the correct answer is option B. 3y + 3z.

3. 6r + r - 5r:
Again, you need to combine the like terms.

Here, you have three terms with "r". You add the coefficients of the first two terms: 6r + r simplifies to 7r.

Then, you subtract the coefficient of the third term: 7r - 5r simplifies to 2r.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A. 2r.

4. 5x + 2(x + 6):
To simplify this expression, you need to apply the distributive property. This means you multiply the coefficient outside the parentheses with each term inside the parentheses.

First, multiply 2 with the first term inside the parentheses: 2 * x = 2x.
Then, multiply 2 with the second term inside the parentheses: 2 * 6 = 12.

Now you can simplify the expression: 5x + 2x + 12 = 7x + 12.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C. 7x + 12.

5. -3m + 3(m + 6):
Similar to the previous question, you need to apply the distributive property first.

Multiply 3 with the term inside the parentheses: 3 * (m + 6) = 3m + 18.

Now you can simplify the expression: -3m + 3m + 18.
The terms with "m" cancel each other out, leaving you with 18.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D. 18.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.