The supershots scored over 75 points in each of ten straight games. The newspaper predicts that they will score more than 75 points tonight. Which form of reasoning is this conclusion based on?

A. Deductive reasoning, because the conclusion is based on logic
B. Deductive reasoning, because the conclusion is based on a pattern
C. Inductive reasoning because the conclusion is based on logic
D. Inductive reasoning because the conclusion is based on a pattern
Is it d?

I disagree.

Is it a?


Yes, the correct answer is D. Inductive reasoning because the conclusion is based on a pattern.

To arrive at this conclusion, the newspaper is using inductive reasoning by observing a pattern in the Supershots' scoring performance. They note that the Supershots have scored over 75 points in each of ten straight games. Based on this pattern, the newspaper predicts that the Supershots will score more than 75 points tonight.

Inductive reasoning involves making generalizations based on specific observations or patterns. In this case, the newspaper is generalizing from the specific instances of the Supershots' past performance to make a prediction about their future performance.