6. Which of the following sentences contains an abstract noun?

A. They did a good job planning the party.
B. Respect must be earned.
C. She thought we should have left earlier.
D. I hope that we are not late.

I think it is B because the word respect can not be seen,heard,touched, smelled or felt.

You can usually draw a picture of or smell or hear a concrete noun. Which of the nouns cannot be seen or smelled or heard? That is the one that is an abstract noun.

I think it might be D

Which noun in D is an abstract noun?

Could you please help me I am stuck on this question.


Study this site. After you do that, I'm sure you'll get the answer.


In that sentence, hope is a verb.

Abstract nouns are also respect and good?

Yay! You've got it. The abstract noun is "respect."

Good is an adjective.