In the metric system there are two official temperature scales: degree Celsius and kelvin. The kelvin temperature scale is obtained by shifting the Celsius scale so of any heat whatsoever. An equation about the relationship between the two scales follows: kelvin~ degree Celsius+ 273 degrees.

A: Write an equation to find degree Celsius in terms of degrees kelvin.
B: If the boiling point of water in Celsius is 100 degrees, what is the comparable temperature in kelvin?
C: -40 degrees is the point on a thermometer at which both degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit are the same. What is this temperature in kelvin?

a. C=K-273

b. K=100+273
c. K=-40+273

Your teacher is much too easy.

A: To find degree Celsius in terms of degrees kelvin, you can rearrange the equation using algebraic operations. In this case, you want to isolate the degree Celsius variable. The equation "kelvin = degree Celsius + 273 degrees" can be rewritten as "degree Celsius = kelvin - 273 degrees."

B: To find the comparable temperature of the boiling point of water in kelvin, you can substitute the Celsius value of 100 degrees into the equation. Plug in the value of "degree Celsius = 100 degrees" into the equation "degree Celsius = kelvin - 273 degrees," and rearrange it to solve for kelvin.

Starting with the equation "degree Celsius = kelvin - 273 degrees," plug in the value "degree Celsius = 100 degrees":
100 degrees = kelvin - 273 degrees

Now, solve for kelvin:
kelvin = 100 degrees + 273 degrees
kelvin = 373 degrees

Therefore, the comparable temperature of the boiling point of water in kelvin is 373 kelvin.

C: To find the temperature in kelvin when degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit are the same, you can use the formula for converting between the two temperature scales. The formula to convert degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit is Fahrenheit = (Celsius * 9/5) + 32.

Since -40 degrees is the temperature at which both degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit are the same, we can equate the two scales:
degree Celsius = degree Fahrenheit

Using the formula for converting between degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit, we can set up the equation:
degree Fahrenheit = (degree Celsius * 9/5) + 32

Substituting degree Celsius = -40 degrees:
-40 degrees = (degree Celsius * 9/5) + 32

Now, solve for degree Celsius:
-40 degrees - 32 = (degree Celsius * 9/5)
-72 degrees = (degree Celsius * 9/5)

To isolate degree Celsius, we multiply both sides by 5/9:
(5/9) * -72 degrees = degree Celsius
-40 degrees = degree Celsius

Therefore, the temperature of -40 degrees Celsius is also -40 degrees Fahrenheit. To find the temperature in kelvin, use the equation from part A:
degree Celsius = kelvin - 273 degrees
-40 degrees = kelvin - 273 degrees

Solving for kelvin:
kelvin = -40 degrees + 273 degrees
kelvin = 233 degrees

Therefore, the temperature of -40 degrees Celsius (-40 degrees Fahrenheit) is equivalent to 233 kelvin.