What is the complete subject in the sentence

That orange deposit on the outside surface is called rust.

Deposit is the simple subject.

The complete subject is

That orange deposit on the outside surface

The complete subject includes the adjectives and adjective phrases that describe the simple subject.

The verb is is called

What do you think the complete subject is?

That orange deposit

Thank you!

You're welcome.

To identify the complete subject in the sentence "That orange deposit on the outside surface is called rust," let's break it down:

Subject: The subject of a sentence is the person, thing, or idea that the sentence is about. The subject usually tells us who or what is performing the action or being described in the sentence.

In this case, the subject is "That orange deposit on the outside surface."

Complete Subject: The complete subject includes all the words that describe or modify the main subject of the sentence. It consists of both the subject itself and any words that come before it.

In this sentence, the complete subject is "That orange deposit on the outside surface." It includes the pronoun "That" and the noun phrase "orange deposit on the outside surface."

So, the complete subject in the sentence is "That orange deposit on the outside surface."