help please

Identify the slope and intercept of the following linear equation.


Slope: 3/7; intercept: 5

Slope: -5; intercept: 3/7

Slope: 5; intercept: 3/7

Slope: 3/7; intercept: -5

Ummm, y = mx+b is called the slope-intercept form because you can just read them off:

slope = m
y-intercept = b

Now can you pick the correct choice?

wow, how could i be so blinded?? thanks!

To identify the slope and intercept of the linear equation y = (3/7)x - 5, you can refer to the general form of a linear equation, y = mx + b, where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept.

In this case, the slope is represented by the coefficient of x, which is 3/7. Therefore, the correct answer is, "Slope: 3/7; intercept: -5".