I have to write a compare and contrast essay of the characterization of Sir Gawain and The Wanderer and I can't really find a difference between the two characters. I've found many ways I can compare the characters, but no differences. I need help finding a contrast between the 2 characters.

To find a contrast between the characters of Sir Gawain and The Wanderer, it is important to carefully analyze their respective literary works and examine their actions, motivations, and personalities. Here are a few steps to help you find a contrast:

1. Read the texts: It is essential to read the literary works that feature these characters. In this case, you should thoroughly read "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "The Wanderer" to gain a deep understanding of each character. Pay attention to their descriptions, behaviors, and the contexts in which they exist.

2. Identify similarities: Before identifying differences, start by listing the similarities between Sir Gawain and The Wanderer that you have already found. This will help you avoid confusion and ensure that you are focusing solely on the contrasting aspects.

3. Focus on character traits: Analyze the characters' qualities, attitudes, and values. Consider their roles in their respective texts, their interactions with other characters, and any conflicts they face. Compare their responses, choices, and decisions in these situations.

4. Consider the setting and context: The historical and cultural backgrounds, as well as the settings in which Sir Gawain and The Wanderer exist, can significantly influence their personalities and behaviors. Evaluate the impact of their environments on their characterizations and draw comparisons and contrasts based on these factors.

5. Examine character development: Assess any character development or transformation that occurs throughout each text. Look for changes in their mindset, opinions, or actions and determine how these changes affect their overall characterization.

By closely analyzing these elements, you should be able to identify contrasts between Sir Gawain and The Wanderer. Remember, even the slightest differences can lead to insightful comparisons that will ultimately shape your essay.

To whom will each character return after completing his quest?

When will each character's quest end?