What is metonymy?

examples please?


Metonymy is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is substituted with another word or phrase that is closely associated with it, in order to create a different or enhanced effect. It involves using a related concept or object to represent a larger idea or meaning. The substituted term is not a synonym, but rather a different aspect or attribute of the original term.

To understand metonymy, you can refer to the following examples:

1. "The pen is mightier than the sword." Here, the word "pen" is used to represent writing or literature, while the word "sword" represents warfare or violence.

2. "England decides to keep check on immigration." In this example, "England" is used to refer to the government or authority, indicating that the decision on immigration is made by the country as a whole.

3. "The crown declared war." In this case, "crown" represents the monarchy or the reigning monarch, who holds the power to declare war.

4. "The White House issued a statement." Here, "White House" is used to refer to the U.S. government or the administration, indicating that an official statement was released by the government.

These examples demonstrate how metonymy creates a connection between different concepts or objects, allowing for a more vivid or symbolic expression.