Personal Reflection: what attitudes, skills, and values, do you do as an individual, need to develop in order to implement a multicultural/anti-bias curriculum?

I have to write a paper on that question and I don't understand what this mean? Can anyone explain to me?

Start out by listing the attitudes, skills, and values you already have, and then write about you will go about developing each one further in order to make you a really good teacher for ALL children.

thank you Writeacher for your help.

can you also explain this to me,
How do young children develop pre-prejudical behavior? What could you do to modify this behavior?

Please define 'pre-prejudicial' for me. The prefix 'pre' already means before, and that word doesn't make sense to me.

Certainly! To implement a multicultural/anti-bias curriculum, you'll need a combination of attitudes, skills, and values. Here's a breakdown of each component:

1. Attitudes: These are your personal beliefs, feelings, and perspectives. To develop the necessary attitudes for a multicultural/anti-bias curriculum, you might focus on:
- Open-mindedness and acceptance of diverse cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives.
- Empathy and the ability to understand and connect with individuals from different cultures.
- Awareness of your own biases and a willingness to challenge and change them.

2. Skills: These are the abilities and competencies you acquire and develop. To implement a multicultural/anti-bias curriculum, focus on:
- Cultural competency: Understanding and respecting different cultures, traditions, and practices.
- Communication skills: Listening actively, promoting inclusion, and encouraging respectful dialogue about diversity.
- Conflict resolution skills: Being able to address bias or conflict in a fair and constructive manner.
- Adaptability: Modifying your teaching methods to incorporate different perspectives and experiences.

3. Values: These are the guiding principles and beliefs that shape your actions and choices. Some important values to develop for a multicultural/anti-bias curriculum include:
- Equity: Ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their backgrounds.
- Social justice: Advocating for a more inclusive society and addressing systemic biases.
- Respect: Valuing and appreciating all individuals and their contributions, regardless of their cultural background.

In your paper, you can explain how each of these components is important for creating a curriculum that recognizes and eliminates biases, celebrates diversity, and promotes cultural understanding. Provide examples of how you can cultivate these attitudes, skills, and values in yourself as an individual, and also explore how they can be integrated into lesson plans and classroom practices.