a recipe for 50 banana cookies uses 1 1/2 pounds of bananas. How many pounds of bananas would you need if you wanted to make 75 banana cookies?

1 1/2 divided by 50 and I looked at a measuring and came up with 2 1/4 but don't know how to show how I got that

See previous post.

To calculate how many pounds of bananas you would need to make 75 banana cookies, you can use the ratio obtained from the given recipe.

The ratio from the recipe is: 1 1/2 pounds of bananas / 50 cookies.

To find out how many pounds of bananas you need for 75 cookies, you can set up a proportion:

(1 1/2 pounds) / (50 cookies) = (x pounds) / (75 cookies)

To solve for x, you can cross-multiply and then divide:

(1 1/2) * (75) = (50) * (x)
(3/2) * (75) = (50) * (x)
225 / 2 = 50x
225 = 100x
x = 225 / 100
x = 2.25 pounds

Therefore, you would need 2.25 pounds of bananas to make 75 banana cookies.