i do not get this question at all and if u could help it'd be a real HUGE help.

solve these equations (sorry i do not have the symbols so i will just write the words out. sorry again for any inconveniance. ):

time= 2pi x squareroot of length/gravity

....i know it my seem very confusing and u might not get it at all, but i appreciate ANY help i can get.
thanks again!

What do you want the equation solved FOR? It now is solved for time but it can be solved for length (or gravity?).

actually to be honest, im not really sure. this is my first time to take physics and i didn't really understand what the teacher meant, but she gave us two different equations the one i posted already and another one that was basically the same thing but u just have to switch length and gravity and make it gravity-over-length.

You're right. It is confusing if we don't know the question.

Of course! I'll do my best to help you understand and solve this equation.

The equation you provided is a formula to calculate the time it takes for an object to complete one full cycle of a simple pendulum. Here's how you can solve it step by step:

1. The formula is: time = 2π * √(length/gravity).
- The symbol "π" (pi) represents the mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159.
- The square root of a number (√) gives you the value that, when multiplied by itself, equals the original number.

2. Start by substituting the values you have into the equation.
- You need to know the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity.

3. Let's assume an example where the length of the pendulum is 0.5 meters and the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s^2 (approximately).
- So, the equation becomes: time = 2π * √(0.5/9.8).

4. Simplify the equation further by dividing the numerator and denominator inside the square root.
- The equation becomes: time = 2π * √(0.05102).

5. Use a calculator to find the square root of 0.05102. The result is approximately 0.22617.

6. Substitute the square root value back into the equation.
- The equation becomes: time = 2π * 0.22617.

7. Multiply the numerical value of π (approximately 3.14159) with 0.22617.
- The equation becomes: time = 0.711357.

8. Round the answer to an appropriate number of decimal places. In this case, we'll round it to two decimal places.
- The final answer is approximately time = 0.71 seconds.

So, in this example, the time it takes for the pendulum with a length of 0.5 meters to complete one cycle is approximately 0.71 seconds.

Remember, this explanation assumes specific values for the variables in the equation. If you have different values, substitute accordingly to get the correct answer.