what are some archetypal monster in movies. (we just got done reading beowulf)

thank you!!

The incredible hulk is an archetypal of Mr.Hyde from the book "Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde". Also, any vampire from TV, like twilight, vampire diaries, etc. is an archetypal of the original Dracula by Beam Stoker.

is godzilla, big bad wolf, or the three headed dogs in harry potter one too?

Sure! When it comes to archetypal monsters in movies, there are several that have become iconic over the years. Here are a few examples:

1. Vampires: One of the most well-known archetypal monsters, vampires have been depicted in various films, such as "Dracula" and "Twilight." To explore more vampire movies, you can try searching for "best vampire movies" or "classic vampire films."

2. Werewolves: These creatures, often associated with the full moon, have been popularized in movies like "An American Werewolf in London" and "The Wolfman." To discover more werewolf movies, you can search for "classic werewolf films" or "top werewolf movies."

3. Zombies: Known for their overwhelming hunger for human flesh, zombies have been featured in numerous films like "Night of the Living Dead" and "Dawn of the Dead." To find more zombie movies, you can search for "best zombie films" or "popular zombie movies."

4. Frankenstein's Monster: Inspired by Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein's Monster has become an iconic archetype. Films like "Frankenstein" and "Young Frankenstein" have portrayed this creature. To explore more movies featuring Frankenstein's Monster, you can search for "Frankenstein movies" or "Frankenstein adaptations."

Remember, the list of archetypal monsters in movies is vast, and there are many more to explore beyond these examples. You can watch trailers, read reviews, and delve into recommendations to find movies that suit your interests. Enjoy exploring the world of cinematic creatures!