. In "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh," the author sets this story before instead of during a battle

In order to answer this question, one would need to read or have access to the text "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" by Ray Bradbury. The information and analysis provided here assumes that you have read the story or have access to a copy of it.

"The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" is a short story set during the American Civil War. It follows the experiences of a young drummer boy named Joby who is participating in the Battle of Shiloh. However, your question suggests that the author sets the story before the battle instead of during it.

To verify whether the author sets the story before the battle, we need to analyze the events and details provided in the story. Look for any hints or descriptions that indicate the timing or setting of the story. Pay attention to the context and atmosphere presented.

If the author explicitly states that the story takes place before the battle, you can easily find the answer by referring to that specific section of the text. Conversely, if the author sets the story during the battle, it might be important to identify any elements in the narrative that contribute to this setting, such as the sound of gunfire or descriptions of soldiers in battle.

It is crucial to read the text carefully and thoroughly, paying attention to the details provided by the author. Analyzing the setting, characters, and events can help determine whether the story takes place before or during the Battle of Shiloh.

If you do not have access to the text, you can also search for analyses, summaries, or commentary on the story online. Professional literary critics and educators may have shared their insights on the timing and setting of the story, which can help answer your question.

Remember, the best way to answer this question definitively is to engage with the original text and use critical thinking skills to interpret the author's intentions.

You have to post the answer choices and your answer but the answer is C. But I don't see no answer choices so im not sure