what is a nouns

A noun names persons, places, things, and ideas

persons: girl, father, teacher, friend
places: school, mountain, city, continent
things: car, book, building, table
ideas: love, patriotism, democracy, religion

Those are all common nouns.

Proper nouns name specific persons, places, things, or ideas.

Ms. Stoddard, President Obama, Mount Rushmore, Chicago, Statue of Liberty, Ford, Communism, Islam

thanks alot

You're welcome.

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A noun is a word that refers to a person, place, thing, or idea. It is one of the eight parts of speech in the English language. In order to identify a noun in a sentence, here's how you can do it:

1. Look for words that represent people, such as "teacher," "doctor," or "friend."
2. Look for words that represent places, such as "beach," "city," or "home."
3. Look for words that represent things or objects, such as "book," "table," or "car."
4. Look for words that represent ideas or concepts, such as "happiness," "freedom," or "love."

By determining the meaning and category of a word, you can identify whether it is a noun or not. Keep in mind that some words can function as different parts of speech, depending on their usage in a sentence. For example, "run" can be a noun (as in "a morning run") or a verb (as in "to run").

If you're unsure, you can consult a dictionary or use online tools like grammar checkers to confirm whether a word is a noun or not.