6c greater than or equal to -10


6c ≤ -10 is what I mean

6c ≤ -10

c ≤ -10/6

c ≤ -1.66667

How would I graph that

Sorry -- but I don't know. Graphing was not part of my math education back in the dark ages.

Okay, thank you!

To solve the inequality 6c ≥ -10, we need to isolate the variable c. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Divide both sides of the inequality by 6 to isolate the variable c.
(6c)/6 ≥ (-10)/6
c ≥ -10/6

Step 2: Simplify the right side of the inequality.
c ≥ -5/3

So, the solution to the inequality 6c ≥ -10 is c ≥ -5/3. This means that any value of c that is greater than or equal to -5/3 will satisfy the inequality.