What exactly are the differances of conservation and preservation?

Not much. They are pretty much synonyms for each other:




If conservation and preservation are bascically the same then why do we have two different groups that are opposing and not working together? Or is the problem that conservationist will allow change and preservationist will not?

Conservation and preservation are two different approaches to managing and protecting natural resources. Let's break down the differences between the two:


1. Definition: Conservation is the sustainable use and management of natural resources to ensure their long-term availability for future generations.
2. Objective: The primary goal of conservation is to strike a balance between utilizing natural resources for human needs and preserving their overall health and functionality.
3. Approach: Conservationists focus on responsible resource management, supporting practices like sustainable farming, efficient energy use, and responsible fishing. They aim to minimize waste and reduce the harmful impact on the environment while maximizing the benefits extracted from nature.
4. Examples: Conservation efforts might involve measures like reforestation projects, creating protected areas with regulated hunting or logging, and promoting sustainable agriculture techniques.


1. Definition: Preservation refers to the protection and maintenance of natural resources in their original state, with minimal human interference or alteration.
2. Objective: The primary goal of preservation is to safeguard nature's intrinsic value, unique ecosystems, biodiversity, and cultural heritage for future generations.
3. Approach: Preservationists advocate for non-intervention and advocate for strict protection of natural areas, emphasizing the importance of undisturbed habitats. They prioritize the preservation of pristine ecosystems and the conservation of endangered species.
4. Examples: Preservation efforts typically involve designating national parks, wildlife refuges, and nature reserves where human activities are limited or prohibited. It also includes efforts to restore and protect endangered species and their habitats.

In summary, conservation focuses on sustainable resource use, while preservation emphasizes the protection of nature in its original state. Both approaches play significant roles in safeguarding the environment, but their strategies and priorities differ based on balancing human needs with ecological preservation.