Figures viewing the lake by Peter Fabrics and William Hamilton

Color was used in this image to create all of the following EXCEPT
A. Emphasis on the central figure
B. Symmetrical balance
C. Unity
D. Radial balance***
Is the answer D?

The title of the picture is under Figures Viewing Lake by Peter Fabris and William Hamilton and its the first picture.

You spelled it wrong Beau.



How is each of these terms defined in your textbook?

A. Emphasis on the central figure
B. Symmetrical balance
C. Unity
D. Radial balance

Well the reason I think the answer is D is because the picture is not exactly the same on both sides. So am I right?

Is the answer D or no?

I don't have a textbook.

No textbook?? What kind of course is that?

I agree with you since it clearly means 'not symmetrical.'

Yes, the answer is D. Radial balance. To determine this, we need to understand the use of color in the image.

To analyze the use of color, we can look at the given options and eliminate the ones that apply color in the image.

A is not the correct answer because color can be used to emphasize the central figure by making it stand out from the surrounding area. This can be achieved through the use of contrasting colors or using a brighter or more saturated color for the central figure.

B is not the correct answer because color can also be used to create symmetrical balance in an image. By using similar colors or color schemes on both sides of the composition, a sense of visual equilibrium can be achieved.

C is not the correct answer because color can also be used to create unity in an image. By using a consistent color palette or color scheme throughout the composition, all elements can harmoniously come together, creating a cohesive and unified visual experience.

D is the correct answer because color is not typically used to create radial balance. Radial balance is achieved by distributing visual elements equally around a central point, radiating outward in a circular or radial manner. While color can be used within this balanced composition, it is not the main factor in achieving radial balance.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Radial balance.