In which sentence is the underlined word a preposition?

A. The Constitution calls for equal rights for all.
B. It was a sunny day, but Jane remained indoors.
C. Senator Young objected to the bill, but he didn't say why.
D. She skipped her breakfast, for it was getting late.

"for" in "for all" is one if underlined

For,but, but,for

A. Both "for's" are prepositions.

To determine which sentence contains a preposition, we need to first understand what a preposition is. A preposition is a word that typically shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in a sentence.

Now, let's examine each sentence:

A. "The Constitution calls for equal rights for all."
In this sentence, the word "for" is a preposition. It shows the relationship between "equal rights" and "all".

B. "It was a sunny day, but Jane remained indoors."
The underlined word in this sentence, "but", is not a preposition. Instead, it is a coordinating conjunction that connects the two independent clauses "It was a sunny day" and "Jane remained indoors".

C. "Senator Young objected to the bill, but he didn't say why."
In this sentence, the word "to" is a preposition. It shows the relationship between "Senator Young" and "the bill".

D. "She skipped her breakfast, for it was getting late."
The underlined word "for" in this sentence is a preposition. It shows the relationship between "her breakfast" and "it was getting late".

Therefore, the sentences that contain prepositions are A and D.