Yasmin wants to serve 150ml of juice to each of 15 guests. How many 500ml cartons of juice she buy? How much juice will she be left after serving her guests?

5,250 ml

To find out how many 500ml cartons of juice Yasmin needs to buy, we can divide the total amount of juice needed by the size of each carton.

Total amount of juice needed = 150ml/guest * 15 guests = 2250ml.

Now, let's find out how many 500ml cartons Yasmin needs to buy:

Number of cartons = 2250ml / 500ml = 4.5.

Since we can't have half of a carton, Yasmin needs to buy at least 5 cartons to have enough juice for her guests.

To determine how much juice Yasmin will have left after serving her guests, we need to subtract the total amount of juice served from the total amount of juice purchased.

Total amount of juice purchased = 5 cartons * 500ml/carton = 2500ml.

Amount of juice left = Total amount of juice purchased - Total amount of juice served = 2500ml - 2250ml = 250ml.

Therefore, Yasmin will be left with 250ml of juice after serving her guests.


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(150*15)/500 = 4.5

so, now you can figure it out, right?