the length of a living room floor in a scale drawing is 8 inches the actual length is 20 feet what is the scale

8/20 = 1/x

8x = 20

x = 2.5

1 inch = 2.5 feet

To find the scale of the drawing, you need to compare the size of the drawing with the actual size of the living room floor.

Given that the length of the living room floor in the scale drawing is 8 inches and the actual length is 20 feet, you can set up a proportion using these measurements:

Scale/Actual = Drawing/Actual

Let's define:
Scale = x (unknown scale)
Drawing = 8 inches
Actual = 20 feet

We can convert the 20 feet into inches to have consistent units:

20 feet * 12 inches/foot = 240 inches

Now we can set up the proportion:

x/240 = 8/20

To solve for x, cross-multiply and then divide:

20x = 8 * 240
20x = 1920
x = 1920/20
x = 96

Therefore, the scale of the drawing is 1 inch represents 96 inches or 1 inch represents 8 feet.