Can you please identify the figurative language (i.e., metaphor, simile, imagery, personification, etc) for each sentence?

1. "We never felt so much power. Like we owned the world. We owned it. I swear we could held it in the palms of our hands and it was up to us whether we were going to rush it or hold it."

2. "He was only a fifteen year old boy and yet the weight of the world seemed to bear him down on his shoulders so hard I thought it would surely crush him."

Sure! Let's identify the figurative language used in each sentence:

1. "We never felt so much power. Like we owned the world."
- Simile: The comparison is made between the feeling of power and the ownership of the world using "like".
2. "We owned it. I swear we could held it in the palms of our hands and it was up to us whether we were going to rush it or hold it."
- Imagery: The use of vivid descriptions appeals to our senses, creating a mental image of holding the world in their hands.

3. "He was only a fifteen-year-old boy and yet the weight of the world seemed to bear him down on his shoulders so hard I thought it would surely crush him."
- Metaphor: The weight of the world is compared to a burden on the boy's shoulders, emphasizing the heaviness and pressure he feels.
- Hyperbole: The use of exaggeration in "I thought it would surely crush him" adds intensity to the statement.

To identify the figurative language in sentences, look for comparisons, vivid descriptions, or expressions that are not meant to be taken literally.