who began to settle lands west of the Mississippi River in the early 1800s??

Cherokee, Choctaw, Comanche, Osage

I know it is one of these, but I don't know which one.

According to this article, all three of these -- Cherokee, Choctaw, and Comanche settled west of the Mississippi in the early 1800s.


Hmm, I think I should go with Osage or Cherokee...

To determine which Native American group began to settle lands west of the Mississippi River in the early 1800s, we can use historical knowledge. In this case, it is important to be aware of the Native American tribes that were present in the United States during that period.

The Osage, Cherokee, Choctaw, and Comanche were all Native American tribes that inhabited different regions of the United States. However, it was the Cherokee and Choctaw tribes that began to settle lands west of the Mississippi River in the early 1800s.

The Cherokee tribe primarily lived in the southeastern region of the United States, which included parts of present-day Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Alabama. During this time, they were forcibly removed from their ancestral lands in a tragic event known as the Trail of Tears.

The Choctaw tribe, on the other hand, occupied areas in the southeastern part of the United States, primarily in what is now Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. They also faced forced removals, but their experiences differed from those of the Cherokee tribe.

In conclusion, both the Cherokee and Choctaw tribes began to settle lands west of the Mississippi River in the early 1800s.