If you're concerned about factors associated with mental illness, ypu don't need to worry about

A. Herditary
B. Virus infections
C. Physical factors
D. Early experiences.
Is the answer B?

I don't think any of these answers is correct.


Uh that's kind of what my paper says though

Please talk with your teacher about this. It's unethical to teach false information.

False information? Wow. Show's how little she knows. :)

Gwen is right.

Well she can't know everything am I right.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

A. Hereditary: Mental illnesses can have a genetic component, meaning they can be passed down from parents to their children. Some mental illnesses have a stronger genetic link than others. However, the question states that if you are concerned about factors associated with mental illness, you do not need to worry about it. Since hereditary factors are a legitimate concern, the answer is not A.

B. Virus Infections: Some viruses, such as certain strains of the herpes virus or the influenza virus, have been associated with an increased risk of developing mental health problems. However, the question states that you do not need to worry about this factor. Therefore, it is a correct answer.

C. Physical Factors: Physical factors, such as brain structure or neurotransmitter imbalances, can contribute to the development of mental illness. Considering the question states that you should not be concerned about factors associated with mental illness, physical factors would be a valid concern. Therefore, the answer is not C.

D. Early Experiences: Early life experiences, including trauma and adverse childhood events, can impact mental health later in life. However, the question suggests that you should not worry about factors associated with mental illness. Therefore, early experiences would be a legitimate concern. Thus, the answer is not D.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer would indeed be B.