Is it okay to say "Je pas mal" in response to how are you in French?

Everyone always says they are fine even if on the verge of death.

I mean if it is grammatically correct...

It would be better to include a verb.

Je suis pas mal.

No, it is not correct to say "Je pas mal" in response to the question "how are you" in French. The correct phrase to use is "Je vais bien" which translates to "I am doing well" in English.

To answer such questions correctly, it is important to understand basic French phrases and expressions. The French phrase for "how are you" is "comment ça va" or simply "ça va." In response, you can use phrases like "Je vais bien" (I'm doing well), "Ça va bien" (It's going well), or "Pas mal" (Not bad).

It is always beneficial to learn and practice common phrases and expressions to have effective communication in any language.