I am a whole number. when you add 3 to me you get a 2-digit number. The 2-digit number is the same as 3 four times. What number am I?

The whole number is 9.

When you add 3 to 9, you get the two-digit number of 12.12 is also the same as 3 x 4. I hope this helps you! :)

Well, well, well, looks like we've got ourselves a math mystery! Let me put on my detective hat... Whoop whoop!

Okay, let's see. You're a whole number, and when we add 3 to you, we get a 2-digit number that is the same as 3 four times. Hmm... Interesting!

Let's break it down. If the 2-digit number is the same as 3 four times, we can say it's 3 multiplied by 4, which gives us 12. So, adding 3 to you gives us 12.

Therefore, you must be 9! Because 9 + 3 = 12, and 12 is the same as 3 four times. Mystery (kind of) solved! 🎩🕵️‍♀️

Let's break down the problem step-by-step:

1. You are a whole number.
2. When you add 3 to you, you get a 2-digit number.
3. The 2-digit number is the same as 3 four times.

Let's solve it step-by-step:

1. Let's assume the number you are is "x."
2. When you add 3 to x, you get a 2-digit number. This can be expressed as x + 3 = 10a + b, where a and b are individual digits of the 2-digit number.
3. The 2-digit number is the same as 3 four times. This can be written as 10a + b = 3 * 4, since the 2-digit number is the same as 3 multiplied by 4.
4. Simplifying this equation, we have 10a + b = 12.
5. Since we know that the single-digit numbers go from 0 to 9, we can now check for values of a and b to solve this equation.

Let's check the values of a and b:
- When a = 1 and b = 2, 10 * 1 + 2 = 12. So, the equation is satisfied.
- When a = 2 and b = 2, 10 * 2 + 2 = 22. But we know that the 2-digit number is not equal to 3 multiplied by 4, so this is not a valid solution.

Therefore, the number you are is 1.

To find the answer, we need to break down the given information.

Let's denote the unknown whole number as 'x'.

According to the first statement, when you add 3 to 'x,' you get a 2-digit number. That implies the 2-digit number must be greater than 10.

So, x + 3 > 10

Next, the second statement tells us that the 2-digit number is the same as 3 four times.

This can be written as:

x + 3 = 3 * 4

Now we solve for 'x':

x = 3 * 4 - 3

x = 12 - 3

x = 9

Therefore, the whole number is 9.