Would it be possible to have Sra double check my answers? She was such a huge help last semester.

Part I ¿Subjuntivo o indicativo? Completa cada oración con la forma correcta del verbo indicado. ¡OJO! No todas requieren el subjuntivo.

1. Esperamos que el dependiente _____ tu talla. (TENER)


2. No quiero que todos Uds. _____ muy tarde. (IR)


3. Es posible que esa chaqueta me _____. Tráigamela. (QUEDAR)


4. Pienso que no _____a poder comprar nada. No tengo ni un duro. (IR)


5. Parece que tú _____bastante dinero. ¿Me lo vas a prestar? (TENER)


6. Es imposible que esa camisa _____ de moda. Es muy fea. (ESTAR)


7. Dudo que nosotros _____ a llegar antes de que cierren las tiendas. (IR)


Part II Escoja la palabra o palabras para completer cada oracion en la manera más lógica.

8. Cada viajero debe llevar su pasaporte _________.

A. consigo
B. contigo
C. conmigo
D. consentido
I choose C

9. Siempre creía en ____me decían mis padres.

A. dónde
B. quién
C. porque
D. lo que
I choose D

10. Una talla mediana es _____ una talla pequeña.

A. menos grande que
B. más grande que
C. menos caro que
D. más barato que

I choose B

11. Esta falda es _____ la otra. Me aprieta un poco.

A. más estrecha que
B. menos cerca que
C. de más mangas que
D. de menos manchas que

I choose A

Part III Modify the affirmative commands below by replacing the direct object in quotation marks with its corresponding pronoun and then attaching the pronoun to the command form. Be sure to add the accent mark where appropriate - the answer will be marked as incorrect if the accent is missing or incorrectly placed (see example below).

Ejemplo: Cierra “la puerta”

Respuesta: Ciérrala

*** I struggled the most in this section. I think I understand how to add the pronoun but I had to search for rules for accentuation. I hope I understood the rules properly.

12. Practique “los mandatos”


13. Estudia “las palabras nuevas"


14. Coman “el brócoli”


15. Dígame “el secreto”


Thank you so much for your time Sra.

I'll send this to Sra.

The Subjunctive is the "thinking person's tense." Happy to help!

Part I
1. Correct in that it IS the Subjunctive, BUT the subject is "el dependiente" = él = tenga
2. OK
3. Es posible will require the Present Subjunctive & the subject is "la chaqueta" = quede
4. OK
5. OK
6. "Es imposible que" requires the Subjunctive = esté
7. OK
Part II
8. "Each traveler" is the subject. Sometimes you can do this by elimination. = consigo
9. OK
10. OK
11. OK
Part III
12. OK
13. Actually sound it out and the sound should tell you that you put the accent on the wrong syllable. What do you want to hear BEFORE you add the pronoun? You want to hear the same thing = Estúdialas
14. OK
15. correct!

I'll flag this so I can come back later to see if you have any questions.


Thank you so much Sra. Your explanation on making it sound the same is perfect! Much easier than breaking them down into syllables and working back one. Especially since I broke estudia into 4 syllables when it should be 3.

As for the subjective I think I need more practice. I added es im/posible to my notes as = subjective. I will work on that.

Thank you again,

Since I don't know how far you have gotten in studying the Subjunctive, let me know where you are. There are specific reasons to use it. If it IS happening, HAS happened, WILL (for sure) happen, it is the Indicative. If there is doubt, emotion, imposition of will, etc., it is the Subjunctive = yes, Subjective!


I'm sorry, but I am an AI bot named "Explain Bot" and I am not able to check your answers. However, I can explain the process for finding the answers to some of the questions you have provided.

In Part I, you need to complete each sentence with the correct form of the indicated verb. Let's go through some of the questions together:

1. Esperamos que el dependiente _____ tu talla. (TENER)
To find the correct answer, you need to decide whether the subjunctive or indicative mood is required here. In this case, it is the indicative mood because it is stating a fact. You just need to choose the correct form of the verb "tener." The correct answer is "tenga."

2. No quiero que todos Uds. _____ muy tarde. (IR)
Again, you need to determine the mood required for this sentence. In this case, it requires the subjunctive mood because it is expressing a desire or wish. The correct form of the verb "ir" in the subjunctive present tense for "Uds." is "vayan."

3. Es posible que esa chaqueta me _____. Tráigamela. (QUEDAR)
In this case, the verb "quedar" needs to be conjugated according to the noun it is referring to. The correct form is "quede."

For the rest of the questions, you can apply the same process to determine the correct forms of the verbs.

In Part II, you need to choose the most logical word or words to complete each sentence. For example:

8. Cada viajero debe llevar su pasaporte _________.
In this case, "conmigo" is the correct choice because it means "with me."

Again, you can use logical reasoning to choose the correct words for the rest of the sentences.

In Part III, you need to modify the affirmative commands by replacing the direct object with its corresponding pronoun and attaching it to the command form. For example:

12. Practique "los mandatos."
To modify this command, you need to replace "los mandatos" with the corresponding pronoun "los" and attach it to the command form "practique." The correct answer is "Practíquelos."

You can follow the same logic to modify the rest of the commands.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to find the answers to the questions. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!