2.¿Quién le recomendó ese plato? (su tío)

I have to answer this using the double object pronouns.

these are the anwers I tried so far:
Mi tío me lo recomendó.
Su tío se lo recomendó. it is saying that the se lo recomendo is correct. I am missing some words after recomendo. and its saying something is wrong with su tio. I am not sure what to do know. I am on my last attempt for this online assignment.

I sent this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

You never answered the first post, which I flagged so I could answer any questions you had.

I still don't know if the question is asked of YOU about someone else or if it is about you. I need to know if the question asks: 1) Who recommended that dish to him, or her. or 2) Who recommended that dish to YOU.

1) Su tío se lo recomendó OR Se lo recomendó su tío.

2) Mi tío me lo recomendó OR Me lo recomendó mi tío.

Your teacher must clarify that. Simply saying you need to answer the question with double object pronouns IS NOT ENOUGH.

Take my answer to your teacher to have it explained.


Again, I'll flag this so if you have further questions and/or comments, please write that here.

Quién le recomendó ese plato? (su tío)

Su tío se lo recomendó.

To correctly answer the question "¿Quién le recomendó ese plato?" using double object pronouns, you could say "Su tío se lo recomendó." However, it seems like there might be an issue with your online assignment or platform. Let's break down the answer to understand it better:

1. "Su tío" translates to "his/her uncle". This is the indirect object pronoun (le) that refers to "you" in the context of the question.

2. "Se" is the reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject "Su tío" and is used when both the direct and indirect object pronouns are in third person.

3. "Lo" is the direct object pronoun (it/that) which replaces "ese plato" (that dish).

Therefore, "Su tío se lo recomendó" means "His/her uncle recommended it to you" or "You were recommended it by his/her uncle."

It's important to note that the word "recomendó" should not have anything missing after it, as it is the past tense of the verb "recomendar" (to recommend). If the system is still flagging it as incorrect, it could be an issue with the online platform. I recommend reaching out to your instructor or checking any additional guidelines provided for the assignment.