The distance each floor of the office building is 3.0 m. Which table shows the total distance traveled and displacement of the elevator?

Where are the tables?

distance: 60

displacement: 36

To find the total distance traveled and displacement of the elevator in an office building where each floor is 3.0 m apart, you need to consider the elevator's movement between floors.

Let's assume that the elevator starts on the ground floor (Floor 0) and goes up to a certain floor and then back down to the ground floor. We will also assume that there are a total of 'n' floors in the building.

The total distance traveled by the elevator can be calculated using the formula:

Total Distance = Distance up + Distance down

Distance up = (n - 1) * 3.0 m

In the formula, (n - 1) represents the number of floors the elevator goes up, excluding the ground floor.

Distance down = (n - 1) * 3.0 m

In the formula, (n - 1) represents the number of floors the elevator goes down, excluding the ground floor.

So, the total distance traveled by the elevator is:

Total Distance = Distance up + Distance down
= (n - 1) * 3.0 m + (n - 1) * 3.0 m
= 2 * (n - 1) * 3.0 m

Now, let's calculate the displacement of the elevator. Displacement is a vector quantity that represents the shortest distance and direction from the initial position to the final position.

In this case, since the elevator starts and ends at the ground floor (Floor 0), the displacement is zero. This is because the elevator returns to its original position, so the overall change in position is nullified.

So, the table showing the total distance traveled and displacement of the elevator would be as follows:

| Total Distance Traveled | Displacement |
| ------------------------ | -------------- |
| 2 * (n - 1) * 3.0 m | 0 m |

Note that the value of 'n' represents the number of floors in the building, and you can substitute the respective value in the formulas to find the actual values for total distance and displacement.