Please help me with this problem: Jhon missed 5 points out of 100 points on his math test. What decimal number represents the part of his math test he answered correctly? my answer is 0.95. my work: 100-5=095


Ms sue help me with math

Thanks Ms. Sue for your help

Your answer is correct! To find the decimal number that represents the part of the math test Jhon answered correctly, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the total number of points on the test, which is 100.

2. Subtract the number of points Jhon missed, which is 5.

100 - 5 = 95

3. The result, 95, represents the number of points Jhon answered correctly.

4. To convert this result into a decimal number, divide it by the total number of points on the test.

95 / 100 = 0.95

So, 0.95 is the decimal number that represents the part of Jhon's math test he answered correctly.