in a Friendship Banquet 2 out of 5 roses are pink. If there are 6 pinks roses, how many total roses are in the banquet?

2/7 = 6/x

2x = 42

x = 21 roses

To find the total number of roses in the banquet, we need to set up a proportion based on the given information. Let's represent the total number of roses as 'x'.

According to the problem, 2 out of 5 roses are pink. So we can set up the proportion:

2 pinks / 5 total = 6 pinks / x total

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

2x = 5 * 6

2x = 30

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate 'x':

x = 30 / 2

x = 15

Therefore, there are a total of 15 roses in the banquet.