Maritza is baking cookies to bring to school that requires 3 eggs and 2 cups of sugar. To have enough for everyone she bought 12 eggs will 6 cups of sugar be enough? I tried multiplying 3 x 4 = 12 so then multiplied 2 x 4 which is 8 so there would not be enough but we are working with ratios so I don't think I'm doing it right

3/2 = 12/x

3x = 24

x = 8 cups of sugar are needed for 12 eggs.

Your answer is right.


n huhiuhhihuhuiuuuuhuu

To determine if you have enough sugar, let's calculate the ratio of eggs to sugar required in the cookie recipe.

The recipe calls for 3 eggs and 2 cups of sugar. So the ratio of eggs to sugar is 3:2.

Next, we need to determine if this ratio remains the same when we increase the number of eggs. If we have 12 eggs, we can use the concept of proportion to find the corresponding amount of sugar needed.

We can set up a proportion with the eggs and sugar:

3 eggs / 2 cups of sugar = 12 eggs / X cups of sugar

To find X (the unknown number of cups of sugar required with 12 eggs), we can cross-multiply and then solve for X:

3X = 2 * 12
3X = 24
X = 24 / 3
X = 8

So, when using 12 eggs, you would need 8 cups of sugar to maintain the ratio.

Based on your calculations, you multiplied 3 eggs by 4 (which represents the increase from 3 eggs to 12 eggs), and then multiplied 2 cups of sugar by 4 as well. However, in ratios, you need to maintain the proportion between the two quantities.

Therefore, with 12 eggs, you would need 8 cups of sugar. Since you only have 6 cups of sugar, it would not be enough.

hello I got this question pretty fast